

Product details


Camels, Cattle, Goats, Horses, Sheep




Composition :

each 1 ml contains :

Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride 25 mg

Excipients k.k 1 ml

Indications :

Dihydramine is an effective antihistamine being an H1-histamine receptor antigen , which explains its anti-choline effects – vomiting , coughing – in addition to its properties Analgesic – Described in cases of ( Respiratory hyperallergic– allergic dermatitis – allergic laminitis ) in horses and cows – motion sickness uterine inflammation – nitrogenous urethritis and cases indigestion in horses , cows , sheep , goats , dogs and cats )


Allergy to the active substance, pregnancy, bleeding (blood loss), heart failure and liver failure .

Side Effects :

the central nervous system ( lethargic ) can be depressed , the effects of hypocholinase are ( Dry mouth , urine retention )

The analgesic effect of antihistamines may fade over time .

The analgesic effect of histamine may affect the performance of the working dogs .

Drug interactions :

it does not exist and it should not be mixed with other preparations with the same syringe .

Usage :

it is given by injection under the skin or by intramuscular or intravenous injection.

Dosage :

cows, horses, sheep : 2-5 ml per 100 kg body weight for 3-4 days treatment .

dogs and cats: 1-2 ml per 10 kg body weight for 3-4 days treatment .

Withdrawal period :

milk and meat : 5 days

Other warnings : Not to be used in pregnant animals.

The product is not used in urinary retention, blue water in the eye, thyroid enlargement .

It is not given in cases of excess allergy to Divenhyromine and other anti -hystems

It should only be used by injection.

Hyper dose may lead to the stimulation of the central nervous system (excitement of bouts) or inhibition (slumber to coma), effects of lack of choline secretion, respiratory inhibition, death .

Storage conditions:

Store in a moderate temperature (30 C) and protect from direct sunlight .


Vial of 100 ml.

For Veterinary Use Only